Did I send you here to find out about web design stuff?

oh, hi!

“someone said you do websites?”


Did our conversation go something like….

“what does that involve?”

read on.

“can you help me with mine?”


So basically, websites start at around $850 and go from there.

Here’s how that works:

Phase 1: Scope/Concept ($350)

  • Initial meeting to discuss scope of project, design ideas, content needed

  • Set up Squarespace account if needed, assist in purchasing domains

  • Basic design layout discussed and prototyped

  • 2nd meeting to refine scope, design, and direction

Phase 1A: Content delivery (aka your homework)

  • You’ll deliver all website content: photos, copy, videos, etc - to a mutually-agreed-upon folder (Dropbox or Google Drive, whatever works best for how you run your life)

    *Full build cannot start without all content delivered*

Phase 2: Design/Build ($50/hr, 10hr minimum)

  • First full draft of site built

  • Meeting for major revisions (up to 3)

  • Final draft of site!

  • Meeting for update tutorial and ownership transfer

Additional Services:

  • Graphic Design - logos/brand kit/other graphics: $75/hr

  • Continuing Website Updates: $50/hr, invoiced monthly